Friday, 6 May 2011

Delusions of Grandeur

In the spirit of the creation and maintenance of this blog, I thought it was perhaps time I defined a few things, primarily the title, and also the purpose for why I am here annoying the world with my various ramblings. As a person muddling through life with initially undiagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder until the age of 25, I had always thought of myself as abnormal, different, and a little bit psychologically challenged. This is not to say that I am mentally ill; it has more to do with the fact that when one has concentration problems, one generally either does not remember doing things they have in fact done, or else one clearly remembers doing things that have not been accomplished. Either of these less than ideal options, if it happens often enough, will affirm to the individual a questioning of one’s sense of mental stability on a minor scale.

I think it is quite interesting and also slightly ironic that, after my diagnosis and full treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder, I actually went back and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. I have thought a lot about this since finishing my degree, and I have come to the conclusion that perhaps the very thing that attracted me to the field of Psychology is the fact that I have been in a position of questioning my sanity from time to time. I wonder if I hadn’t done so..if I hadn’t been in a position to wonder about the existance and purpose of the human brain and why mine seemed to function differently than others’..whether it ever would have occurred to me to enter the field of Psychology in the first place. What I am suggesting here is, perhaps we must experience certain things in order to narrow down a direction to our lives.

With all of that said, the title of my blog “Delusionarium” refers to the idea of the delusion, which is actually defined as a belief that is either mistaken or not substantiated, yet held with intensity of conviction. Although my meaning of delusion has nothing to do with Psychopathology per se, it occurred to me that by using the term, it would also reveal a little more about myself without having to look very far into the blog. It also seems to me that words ending in “arium” suggest containment of various sorts; a solarium is a room that uses the warmth from the sun and confines it into a certain area, and a sanitarium (now an out-dated term) refers to the housing of those recuperating from illness, usually assumed to be mentally based. Considering all of these definitions, a “delusionarium” could be defined as my own unsubstantiated thoughts and opinions which I feel very strongly about, that are confined in my brain. Although initially a jumbled mess, these ramblings (or musings) are sorted and organized in the brain before re-emerging in the virtual world. The phrase “musings from the Virtual Couch” is simply another way to describe my “Delusionarium” in a definition format: They are my own unsubstantiated and sometimes mistaken impressions of life as I see it, with a psychologically-based flair. As for the purpose of this blog..well, that is a simple matter. I write to keep my sanity..

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