Monday, 2 May 2011

A Dreary Monday Funny

When I was growing up in Stevens Point Wisconsin, my father had a multitude of jokes that he used to tell and, as we were mostly Polish in nationality, most of the jokes reflected that. I would just like to point out before I begin that, this in no way should be taken as offensive against the Polish–in fact, I love my Polish heritage and have always seen these jokes merely as affectionate examples of a love for a culture. With that said, out of all of the jokes my father has told me over the years, this is the one that stands out in my brain, as it was also by far my favorite of the bunch. I hope it is received well here also..

The Man and the Paint Can (joke told in the 1980s before the invention of certain technologies)
A man got a job working for the city as the person who paints the lines on the roads to separate two-lane traffic, and he had been employed for three days. The first day he painted 5 miles’ worth of lines, the second day he painted 3 1/2 miles, and the third day he painted 1/2 mile. The boss called him into the office and inquired, “What is going on with you?? The first day you did GREAT, you painted 5 miles worth of lines. The second day was still pretty good at 3 1/2 miles. But the third day, you only painted 1/2 mile. What gives?” The man gave his boss an incredulous look and simply stated, “Do you have any idea how far away I was from that paint can???”


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